27 February 2008

Quotes of the days

A snippet of conversation overheard:
Connor: Relax, Eoin
Eoin: Relax?! You've just broken my rockstar hat.

Eoin, to me: You're the goodest mummy I ever had.

Eoin to Connor: I'm making a track of pee so you can follow it.

21 February 2008


Connor and statue at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

20 February 2008

Quotes of the Trip

Waiting for a DC tour bus, Eoin was inspired by "Aaargh, Spider!", a recent gift from Granny: Look at me! Watch me wait!

Also see a quote from 21st January. Udvar Hazy Space Center, A new bit of the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum. Connor, looking at a space suit with the gloves lying separately by its feet: That guy's hands have fallen off!

On the way home, Eoin, having been told he should save his chocolate milk for later: Is it later yet?

08 February 2008

Quotes of the Day

Older women (1)
Connor, looking at a photograph of one of Eoin's classmates: Betty Ann is cute.

Older women (2)
Eoin came home early after coming down with a fever to go with the cold he already has. His favourite part of the day was going to see the nurse, "Because of her dress. All nurses wear is white, and that's my favourite colour as well as orange. White is blank."

Physician, ...
I also have a cold, and told Eoin I was not feeling well. He replied: So you have to take care of yourself the way a doctor would.

07 February 2008


Connor was big into watching these guys. They were working on his nursery school building. Actually, I was into watching them too.



Take a look at this messy boy.

Much more to come soon.


Campfire party pix are at Eoin's CLASS BLOG.


The artwork in this poster is BY EOIN! We're so proud that his work was chosen. It wasn't a competition or a specific exercise but rather the organizers went through everyones' work and chose this. Clicking the poster will enlarge it.

I'll be posting more photos on the morrow and some videos from the summer shortly thereafter.
Stay tuned.
Pauly out.

Quotes of the Days

Eoin, Saturday: Moomin Alexander and Moomin Jacob are my best friends now, instead of Moomin Eli because he's far away, but I still miss him.

Connor, several times recently: I want to tell you something, but I don't know.

Eoin, this morning, out of the blue: I just can't believe it, why Granny and Granpda in Ireland's house doesn't have stairs. (He is very keen on living in a house after we move, so that we shall have stairs. When I asked why: "So I can go up and down them.")

04 February 2008

Quotes of the Days

Saturday, Connor: You are a strange little boy, Mr. Eoin (inspired by a line in Toy Story)

Sunday, Connor: Chocolate ice cream is so cute.

Connor seems to be getting his eye in for VA hospitals. We passed the one in Brooklyn today (mine is in the Bronx) and he said "There's your work Mummy."

01 February 2008

Quotes of the Day

Connor has picked up a word from Matthew: Good morning, sweetheart.

While he was getting into bed it transpired Eoin has been listening to The Rolling Stones, to whom Paul is a late convert. He sang:

You go running for the shelter, of your Mothers' Little Helper

and then continued with the riff that follows it.