30 January 2008

Quotes of the Day

Alice and Matthew came to stay over the weekend. They gave Eoin a fold out set of pictures of dinosaurs to colour in and fill in speech bubbles, to make it into a short story. Eoin got on with it immediately. His T Rex said: 'I can reun fasaer.' The Stegosaurus said 'I dot thic so.' All the words were written in reverse, and some of the letters also.

Connor (re Alice and Matthew): I love the visitors.

25 January 2008

Quotes of the Days

Eoin yesterday: Restore, reuse, reduce, recycle.

Eoin today, to me: You smell nice, not like a stinky girl.

23 January 2008

Quote of the Day

Connor, starting to get the idea as Paul finishes the painting: Our house is back together: we've moved our house.

22 January 2008

Quotes of the Day, and a milestone

Connor, looking at part of a suit of armour: That guy has no hands.

Connor (after watching Toy Story and paraphrasing a line in the theme music) to me: You have a friend, it's me.

After a trip today to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, looking at a lot of masks, carvings and statues, Connor painted his first face.

Eoin: I'm a photographer artist painter inventor.

20 January 2008

Quote of the Day

Connor: Chocolate power!

I can't explain this exclamation. I didn't catch what preceded it. He had had some chocolate about 20 minutes previously, maybe he could feel it taking effect.


Here Eoin is reaching into a secret compartment where youngsters pick candy / sweets for being good during their hair cuts.

Connor was very calm, just like Eoin.

That's Ray, our wonderful neighborhood barber. All the Inwood kids love him, as do our two.
Maybe it's just his candy stash they love.

More later. I know that Claire has some quotes to post.

See ya.

Quotes of the Day

Connor: Daddy I wish you had a Ferrari.
Eoin to me, asking him to tidy up: I'm through with you!

19 January 2008

Eoin "throwing a balloon"

Hello. Sorry for the absence of new images here for a while. Been busy trying to fix my video camera so that I can start to make some movies about this wonderful place called Inwood before time runs out. Connor broke my camera during the summer and I've been at a loss without it. All attempts to mend thus far have failed but I've had an idea.

Anyway, back to the stills again. Here's one of Eoin over the Christmas holidays. He was "throwing a balloon" apparently. The whiteness is from the canopy of the camp the two lads set up in the middle of the room.

I stumbled on this shot as I was preparing work for something else. I love it. There's just something about it that I really like. Can't quite put my finger on it.

Much more to come soonest. Including a short film of the lads messing at the beach in Connecticut on a hot summer day. This might take a wee while though as I'm on a new machine and will need to learn some stuff.

You might be interested in my INWOODPIX blog. Some good stuff here.

Back soon.

18 January 2008

Quote of the Day

Correction by Paul....

Eoin, learning to think outside the box: Can you imagine doing hopscotch with circles instead of squares?

17 January 2008

Quote of the Day

Connor, reluctant to get out of bed: I'm a very tired grasshopper.

16 January 2008

Quotes of the Days

Saturday, Eoin and Connor: Reduce, reuse, recycle! Reduce, reuse, recycle! Reduce, reuse, recycle!

Later, Eoin during an imaginary phone call: Look, I just can't handle this. My brother is here, he's just hit me and he wants to talk to you.

Sunday, Eoin as radio DJ: And now we are going to play some heavy jazz...and now the weather forecast...today it will be 251 degrees...tomorrow it will be 25 degrees and cloudy skies.

11 January 2008

Quotes of the Day

Connor too has been following the news on the radio: "What's that man doing about San Diego?"

But while eating chocolate ice cream: "I can't listen to my words."

09 January 2008

Quote of the Day

This is a new section I will edit. It might not be every day, but that's my aspiration.

Today it was Eoin: "What's Barack Obama?"

02 January 2008

Lots of new material to post.

I have quite a lot of new material to post and will eventually get to it. I have this new computer now and it'll take a while for me to configure everything. 
In the mean time, here's Eoin at the American Museum of Natural History's H2O exhibition.

Eoin's latest pictures.

Here are Eoin's latest pictures.