31 March 2008

Eoin the artist

Eoin is adamant that he will be an artist when he grows up.
Here he is in February making artwork for Claire's birthday card.

© Paul Treacy 2008.

30 March 2008

Quote of the Day

Turning six made Eoin think about his future. Instead of repeating 'I want to be an artist', which he has said a number of times, he said 'I'm going to be an artist.' And then 'I want to be famous.' Paul took Connor to a birthday party that Eoin was also invited to, but Eoin stayed at home with me to start assembling a Lego aeroplane. When I asked Eoin if he was sure he didn't want to see the friends that were going, he said 'No. I want to see myself.'

27 March 2008

Quote of the Day

Me to Connor last night: You are a handsome boy. Connor: No, I'm a handsome dinosaur.

26 March 2008


No captions necessary.

© Paul Treacy 2008

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24 March 2008

Quotes of the Days

Eoin, looking up the Hudson from Dyckman fields: This is the bestest Hudson River ever. I want to go up it now. I want to go to the end of the Earth.

Connor to Paul: When you're older, you'll teach me how to use your computer.

22 March 2008

Quote of the Day

Connor quoting Mog to Eoin, after Eoin ate the last Cheerio: You nightmare nibbler!

14 March 2008

Quote of the Day

Eoin, seeing me unfazed at the pile of pillows and soft toys on the floor in the chaps' bedroom (they were jumping from the bed onto the pillows): This is terrible. We've accidentally done something good.

Connor to Paul after going twice in quick succession to the loo: Daddy, I'm the pee-man!

Eoin's 6th Birthday Already

Eoin's Birthday Party Invitation for 2008.

13 March 2008

Quote of the Day

Eoin lost patience with the presidential candidates' race today. On hearing that Obama won Mississippi (a word he dislikes because it is 'soppy') he asked 'WHEN we will know who's going to be the President?' When I told him November (synonymous with Thanksgiving) he said 'So if Barack Obama eats lots of turkey and gets strong, then he can get to be the President.' Unfortunately the election comes first, so he is still without a decent explanation.



12 March 2008

Quotes of the day

Paul to Connor, after he ate a chocolate fromage frais: Is your tummy happy now?
Connor: No, my tummy is surprised!

Eoin, during a discussion about the heights to which he and Connor will grow: Maybe I'll be as tall as Andrew- he sometimes has his hair sticking up.

11 March 2008

Quote of the Day

Eoin: Nifty man to the rescue!

06 March 2008

Quote of the Day

Eoin, after I called him 'old thing': I'm not an old thing! YOU'RE an old thing!

05 March 2008

Quote of the Day

Eoin, thanking me for new toy cars: I'm so impressed at you!

04 March 2008

Quotes of the Days

Connor, seeing Paul and me having a hug: I think you guys are going to get married.

Eoin, with another variation of the spider's catchphrase (see quotes from 19th Feb): Look at me! Watch me sleep!

Connor, after a conversation about how we all love each other: Idiots don't love us. That's because they're stupid.