25 March 2011

Resumption of family blogging

So sorry that we've not blogged anything for so many months. Time to change that.

I'm not sure where to start. How about with some recent shots? Will get to other matters soon enough.

Last night Eoin bellowed down from his bed, "THE FOURTH DEATH JUST HAPPENED!" He read a condensed Macbeth in one session.

While either Eoin or Connor is attending an after school activity, we play tennis with wooden bats while we wait. Here's Connor whacking away at me.

Here's Connor munching on an apple. It's quite difficult keeping him fed at the moment.

As soon as we get home they need MORE food. You can see the effect it has on Connor.

And wrapping up the post is a spooky, shadowy Eoin upstairs.

I'll be back soon with Eoin's invitation to his party this weekend. He'll be 9 on Tuesday. Already!

Here are some links to explore.
