29 January 2009

Quotes of the Days

This morning, over breakfast Connor said to Paul: You're the best pancaker in the world.

A few weeks ago on the bus, during a session of make-believe:
Connor: Can anyone see him? No
Me: Who are you looking for?
Connor: I'm looking for my evil nemesis out this window

18 January 2009

Quote of the day

Eoin was telling me about how he wants to be a potter and an art teacher when he grows up, and then suggested we ask Connor what he wants to be.
Me: Connor, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Connor: A man

08 January 2009

Quote of the day

This is from a few days ago, before I went back to work, when Connor was in bed with Paul and me one morning. The daylight was coming through the red curtains.
Connor, to me: I think you are a piece of moss.
Me: Why?
Connor: Because sometimes you look green.