The light evenings are having quite an effect on Connor. A few nights ago he observed: I'm full of silliness tonight.
Today he lamented: Going to bed is the worst thing in my life.
Also today, I told Eoin about a 10-year old girl featured in the Indie's Green Edition who has written to Gordon Brown to voice her concerns about McDonald's. He took the paper and kissed her picture, later stating his newly made 'rule' that 'Anyone I marry has to hate McDonald's.'
None of this would have been possible without Mum and Dad, Kevin and Angela. You'll need fast broadband to view this video and decent speakers or headphones. Also, please turn up the volume. Here then is another gathering of the young cousins in South Knock. Life can be so sweet sometimes.
The original, slightly larger version can be seen HERE Comments welcome. For posterity.
Playing catch up here. Long overdue photos, quotes and films will appear over the coming days and weeks.
Firstly, this delightful image from Eoin. Connor too is experiencing a creative surge and is producing some wonderful art. His is a very different style to Eoin's but it's strong and bold. I'll show some here real soon.