I have so much material to post here that I'll need to set aside a day just to organize it. I hope I can do that this coming weekend. I have a virtual tour of our house and the space around it to show. I have a play fighting video of the two lads which is a hoot. I have loads and loads of recent photographs to upload as well. Claire too has some images on her Blackberry that I'd like to post here. And of course there's all the art work that the two lads have been churning out recently. Some of it is rather good. Connor in particular is making rapid artistic progress with his bold style.
Anyway, today's post is a blatant attempt at promoting my documentary film project. I need some equipment to get this project off the ground. I can get started with just GB£600 and I'm on my way to reaching that goal. I have set the fundraising to $2000 to help towards the software and external hard disk costs and to pay an editor to make final checks before release.
I have two distributors already in place for this project. I'm currently preparing a proposal for submission to a major software manufacturer that licensed my work previously as they have expressed interest in my projects. However, such a potential deal might involve surrendering some directorial control which would not be ideal. So if I can secure some initial funding through crowd sourcing then I'm all clear to make the film exactly as I want it.
There are several levels of support available. Even just a single dollar would be hugely appreciated. Any contribution above $5 gets the full hi-res download of the finished film to play in your device of choice along with hi-res, personal use downloads of your favorite photographs from the project. Click the widget below for full project details.
If you have any friends or colleagues who might be interested in investing is such a project as this, then please share.
Many thanks.