28 May 2010

Mourning a Dead Fox

Recently Connor and I came across a dead fox at the end of our road. We see lots of foxes around here. Several a week, in fact. It's very exciting. They are such beautiful creatures. Whether you think of them as pests or not, they are still very beautiful.

This one was not hit by a car so may have died of illness or old age. It's coat had been in lovely condition.

Connor needed to linger for quite some time. He was very quiet for a while then started asking lots of questions such as whether or not this particular fox would ever live again.

I wouldn't say he was upset, necessarily, rather he was a little sad but mostly curious and thoughtful. It was an interesting experience.

I don't think I'll ever forget this brief encounter we had with the unfortunate creature. Connor might but I won't.

Back soon.

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